
Friday, December 17, 2010

Em's Tot School {28 Months} Letter Ss.

Em has had a very full week of homeschooling as we are preparing for
our first 2-week holiday break of this school year!
We are really looking forward to the break from the 
more structured learning, but will continue to use our time 
having fun and still learning new things!

Our letter of the week is S, color is purple and our bible verse is "Sing 
to the Lord a new song, for He has done wonderful things." Psalm 98:1
Our Godly Character Trait is Helpful.

Here is a summary of some of our "Letter S" activities--enjoy!

 Em had a great time playing with our 
Purple Sensory Tub!!
And, she did a nice job of cleaning up all the little
rocks she spilled as well:)

 Shaking up their discovery bottles.

 Stacking the new Wedgits I got for under $2!! More on that later:)

 Decorating our little CHRISTmas tree I got for 15 CENTS!
 S is for scale. Em had a great time weighing everything in sight. 
She just kept saying, "Let's see---how much does this weigh?"
 Scooping some rose petals.
 Drawing a self-portrait I helped her make.

 Matching shadows.
Our bible memory verse--"Sing to the lord.."
 Drawing a smiley face---don't you see it--I really do:-)
 Making a snow cone!
 Sorting santas, gingerbread men, reindeer etc erasers.
 Stacking wooden rings.
Stacking soft animals.
 S is for Salad. I eat a salad almost every day and am SO happy our
girls have a love of salads and veggies, too:-)
 Sandpaper sensory tiles.
 Scale. Em really enjoys weighing things!
 Shape sorting.
 Em loves reading this Snow Bear book. 1-it has animals (she is a total animal lover) and 2-it is a touch and feel book that has soft fuzz all throughout it!! I got it for only $1.50!

 Scooping tiny bells.
 Shape puzzles.
 S is for Sheep.

 Stringing Popcorn for our CHRISTmas tree.

 Letter S drawer from our Alphabet Box..
Sister's support! This was the cutest gesture. 
Elle was working really well on some subtraction
and Em just went up to her and said, "Great job sister" and 
gave her a huge hug!! It brought tears to my eyes:)

And now...back to the Wedgits! I couldn't believe my eyes when I 
spotted this deal at one of my favorite thrift stores! I had to pick them up right away!
Yes, that's right---only $1.91 and they look BRAND NEW--just washed
them in bleach water, and they are good to go:)

Thank you so much for following along our journey with us!
Please feel free to hop around a bit and take a look at some of our other posts.
We hope you get inspired by something you see!


  1. My little one has gotten the ring thing too, and putting blocks in the correct shape in the corect howl.

    I love your weekly wrap ups.

  2. Wow. you've been busy. I love the idea of making a snowcone. Looks like a a lot of fun activities.


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