
Friday, December 17, 2010

{Weekly Wrap Up!} Letter Ss is for...{Elle 57 months}

Elle has had another full week of homeschooling as we prepare to 
take our first 2-week break of the school year!
We are focusing in on the Letter S, the color purple, rectangle shape,
the Godly Character Trait "Helpful"
Memorized Little Bo Peep, and Psalm 98:1.

Please take a moment to see our summary of the week!!

 We had a lot of fun making our own bars of soap this week!
Read more about it here.

 Letter S drawer items from our Alphabet Box---stingray,
stethoscope, stamp, star, spider, sheep,
shoes, strawberry, snowman, spoon, seashells, squash etc.

 Shaking discovery bottles.

 Stringing popcorn.


 Shape patterns.

 Beginning to "sew" with our lacing animals.
 Just plain silly:)

 Our Snow Falling Down Craft.
 Shape sorting.

 Sandpaper sensory tiles.

 S is for Salad. We all LOVE salads:)

 Stacking Wedgits.
Stacking Tumba blocks.

 So very proud of her subtraction work!!
She completed this with very little instruction from my husband.

 This is a GREAT little math game I picked up for 90 cents. 
It is by leap frog and it has cards with numbers as well
as the addition and subtraction symbols. I use the mat from the game as well, but also 
added our own math manipulatives (plastic butterflies) for Elle
to visualize each subtraction problem by physically counting and taking away 
the correct number of butterflies based on what cards she draws.

There were a lot of steps to this game, but Elle really
enjoyed it and had a lot of fun!
 Studying Space.
 Scooping flower petals.

 Scooping snow crystals.
 Drawing a self-portrait.

 Again..just plain silly;-)
 Making a snow cone.

 Decorating our fiber optic CHRISTmas
tree I got for 15 cents!

And, apparently S is also for "sneaky." LOL. Our oldest
dog Max LOVES to come and sneak in the kitchen when
the girls are eating their breakfast:)
Well, at least he helps me clean the floor of their granola:)

We had a really nice week! This first quarter has just flown by!
I am REALLY looking forward to our break.
Please be sure to have a safe and happy holiday and check back with
us often--we'd love to hear from you!




  1. This looks like so much FUN!

  2. Great photos! Love all the fun things you have for your kids to work with. :-) Julie

  3. Great photos! Love all the fun things you have for your kids to work with. :-) Julie

  4. Your homeschool looks so fun, and organized. Hellp me!

  5. Dropping in from the Hip Homeschool Hop! Merry Christmas!

  6. Stopping by from HHH - love all the pics! Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  7. such a lovely blog and you have given me soooo many ideas for new tray activities!
    I will be popping back often!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great Christmas



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