
Monday, April 9, 2012

Painting with Unusual Objects! {Sparking Creativity!}

I am always looking for ways to be creative and inspire our girls to try new things. I really am a very structured and color-within-the lines type person by nature, so it is a stretch for me to go outside of the box. I am hoping to teach our girls (and myself:-) how to use imagination to see things from different perspectives. How to not simple view objects (or people) in one-dimensional terms, but to see the POTENTIAL that lies beneath the surface!

 I simply grabbed a tray and put all kinds of fun things I found around the house on there.

Ce Ce LOVED creating little flowers from the bottom of a tennis ball container!
 But, her absolute favorite thing to use was the yellow motorcycle!!!
Good thing I covered the table with white paper!
 Em had a blast with this activity and loved painting with the plastic egg.
 Em also enjoyed painting with the motorcycle.
 My creative and lovely Elle. She is just like her Mommy-she prefers a more "neat" approach:).
She loved painting with the little horse brush the best!

What kind of fun and unusual things are you all up to?
We'd love to hear from you!

Be a blessing,

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