
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ce Ce's Tot School {22 months}

More updates on our not-so-little, little lady. I just cannot believe how FAST she is growing up. In a lot of ways, it is bittersweet. I love how expressive she is and how well she interacts with us. But, it saddens me to move outside of the baby years a bit.....just a bit, lol:)

Matching dog pictures. Ce Ce LOVES doggies!!
Playing with moon sand.
Our philosophy....."hug it out" not cry it out!
Cooking in the kitchen.
Playing with homemade Play dough.
Studying the letter C for her name.
Letter C collage.

Building with Wedgits.

Numbers time.
Letter C do a dot page.
C is for Corn.

More numbers work.
Decorating her Letter C for her room.

T is for tooth page. {We did a Tooth/Dentist mini unit with the big girls.}
Transferring carrots by hand. I was not surprised she used her left hand for this activity.
She regularly switches between both hands for tasks.
Elmo book on brushing teeth.
Putting her doll baby on the potty. 
Transferring water beads with a spoon.

Playing at Homeschool Gym with Em.
Ce Ce LOVES being outside!!
Ce Ce LOVES water play!! I can't get her to come inside!!
Transferring pompoms by hand.
Stringing pasta to make a bracelet.

Helping me make a huge batch of laundry detergent{with Elle}.

Oh, yes......and, the tantrums. Oh, the tantrums. 
At least they don't last long, lol:)

Ce Ce loves this little writing desk. I found it for 99 cents!
Nursing her baby doll. So sweet!
We made homemade sidewalk chalk paint and Ce Ce loved it.

Playing with magnets.

Messy fun---Ce Ce has to warm up to getting messy, lol.
Sorting colored bunnies.
Painting with a toy motorcycle(and other fun/unusual art items). She LOVED this activity!

Transferring/pouring jelly beans.
More arts and crafts time.

Thanks for looking!!
Be a Blessing,

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