
Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Easter Lessons {Easter Lapbook}

We had an amazing time celebrating Easter! We call it "Resurrection Sunday" and focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ mainly. We also throw in some Easter fun with bunnies and baskets, but our primary focus is on Jesus and the Holiest Holiday we celebrate!

On Palm Sunday, the girls got Palm Branches at Sunday School. 
They loved bringing them home and re-enacting Jesus riding into town on a donkey.
 Em loves to decorate little trees with Easter decorations.
 Ce Ce loved sorting little plastic bunnies by color.

The girls love playing with their new Bendaroos!
 Elle's favorite book is "The First Easter" by Lois Rock. 
She was making a mini-book for her lapbook and had to cross-reference with her First Easter book to ensure she was putting the book pages in order.
 Working on her Easter Lapbook.
 Elle was so proud of herself for being able to complete the list of words. 
She did great! Often, she will ask me to "help" her by giving her the answer. I gently guide her to discover that if she works hard, digs deep and discovers it herself, she will be happy she did.

I LOVE seeing her feel a great sense of accomplishment!!
Hopefully, this will continue to build and develop resilience in her.

 While discussing the re-birth of Christ through His resurrection, we discussed birth. Of course, that meant Elle wanted to watch more Youtube videos, lol. 
This time, she focused on cesarian sections. This child....LOL. 
 Ce Ce pouring jelly beans.

 Elle was so, so excited to work on our Resurrection Eggs. 
She remembered doing this from last Easter and wanted to read all of the eggs every day!

 Em working on her math skills by graphing jelly beans by color.
 Em LOVES to count!! She understands completely how to read the graph, but prefers to count the jelly beans, lol. I guess she wants to ensure the graph is correct.
 Em matching Easter erasers.
This was way easier for her this year than last!
 Using the bunny tongs to match numbered eggs to their corresponding number in the egg carton.

 Inside of each egg, I put letter tiles with the spelling of each number. 
Em did an excellent job reading all of the numbers!!
 Elle had fun graphing the jelly beans and then using the chart to do addition, subtraction and multiplication.
 I made up a quick batch of sound eggs. I put various fillers into the eggs that would make different sounds when you shake them {2 of each filler}. Then, I closed them up and had the girls shake them and listen to make matches. 

 Em LOVES this activity and repeated it often!
 She opened up the eggs to find her matches are correct!
 Em coloring her Bible Easter Story mini book.
 We made "He is Risen" crafts with paper plates and a printable.
 The front of Elle's Easter Lapbook.

 Coloring Easter Eggs.

 This was my first time making Easter baskets for the girls. 
I really put a lot of Christ-centered things inside--a Bible, "Jesus Christ Superstar DVD, a cross, Bible Story books, Bible memory match cards, etc and then some fun stuff, like craft supplies, socks, juice box, pencils, stickers and organic animal crackers. 
 The big girls were so surprised!!!
The girls absolutely LOVED their baskets!!
I even made an Easter basket for my husband--he was surprised and loved his, too!
Neither of us grew up getting Easter baskets as kids, so we will see if this is a fun, new tradition for our family. *Note, I guess my husband was inspired by the Easter basket I gave him. While I was cooking Easter Dinner, I asked him to go to the store and get more ingredients for me and he brought home an Easter basket for me! How sweet--I didn't take a picture of it, but it was pink and had a few of my favorite things in it!*

 Our Easter eggs, Jelly bean prayer and "He is Risen" crafts. 
The essence of Easter!

We also hid plastic eggs around the house for the girls to find. 
Inside of them, I put stickers, money and some erasers. 

 Easter dinner this year was pretty simple and mostly healthy, lol. 
 I made parmesan crusted broiled tilapia and shrimp, baked sweet potatoes(no butter), greens with smoked turkey, corn on the cob (no butter), vegetable bake and mini cornbread muffins with corn kernels baked inside. 
It was delicious!!

You can check out our Easter fun from last year here and here and here.
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Jesus loves you and so do I. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, I would love to talk with you more about it. Please contact me if you would like to talk!

Be a blessing,

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