
Friday, April 20, 2012

{Homeschool Highlights} April 2012

We have been having such a special time in Homeschool lately. Once again. God is pressing it on my heart to s-l-o-w down and enjoy these early years. 

They can be so busy. So crazy. Such a blur! It is hard to remember everything that we 
even do on a daily basis. 

That is one reason that I am so glad to have this blog. I cherish the memories we post on here and will always look back fondly on what we have accomplished thus far.

Here are a few of the recent highlights from us!  We are following our interests, loosely using a curriculum and having FUN!
Elle simply loves math. She thinks of numbers first thing in the morning, lol.
Elle and I have both begun Gratitude Journals. I love reading hers every day!

Working of Math Fact Families.
Elle is just the sweetest..
 Elle wrote out some sentences about herself on top of her math triangles.
 Scored some new curriculum supplies at the thrift store for 29 cents!

 The girls made pretty colors of the vinegar-baking soda 
science experiment.
 Somewhere in there, Elle decided to turn 6!
Mommy is still sad:(. They are all growing up so fast!
 Elle LOVES her new camera! She takes great pictures!
A lot of our blog pictures, she has taken.

 Working on United States Geography.
Ce Ce and Elle helped me make a huge batch of laundry detergent! 
That should last us a while, lol.
Em, making a letter M collage from stickers.
Em is the sweetest girl ever. She loves animals and tried to find as many as she could 
to put on her collage.
Em, working on her letter M drawer. {Music, mints, Minnie Mouse, motorcycle, magnet, milk, etc}.
Elle is using the rhyming cards. She made it ever more difficult by creating a blind match game out of it. 
So creative!
Elle's Letter L Collage.
Enjoying music class:)

Em, working on her Hundreds Chart. She is 3 years old and loves counting to 100-and higher!
We did a unit on Dentists/Teeth.
Our Bible Verse for our Teeth Lessons.
Our library books about Dentists and Teeth.
We enjoyed using the Dental Health Printables found here.

Elle LOVES her homeschool gym class!! Her coach is amazing. Her confidence and skill levels have both greatly improved in the past year!!
Em cannot wait to join her:)! She has been ready since she was 2, lol.

Elle brought the snacks for a recent Girl Scout meeting. 
We had a Brownie Troop visit that day as well.
It was a great opportunity for her to play "hostess."

One of our favorite books-"A Bad Case of Stripes."
Both of our girls LOVE their Ballet and Tap Combo class!
Ce Ce can't wait to join them in that class!
Elle loves cooking with Mommy and has started
 learning how to prepare dishes all by herself!

Be a Blessing,

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