
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Fro Yo" Homeschool Tour!

We always love learning about new places, things, businesses and people. Well, if you have ever met me, you will quickly find out that I love people and I love talking, lol. My Daddy used to always tell me that "I have never met a stranger!" I will talk to anybody:)

Anyway, I decided to set up some fun Homeschool Tours for our girls and invited some of our friends who also Homeschool and attend our Homeschool Gym classes with us. We are having so much fun learning about new places! 

The first tour we took is of our favorite local Frozen Yogurt place. The owners were so gracious and kind. They really were encouraged by our group and made every attempt to accommodate our large group!

Enjoy the photos!

 Learning how the frozen yogurt is made daily.
 Ready to make their own sundaes!
 Lots of yummy toppings to choose from!

 Enjoying their Fro Yo with friends.
 One of Elle's friends was really happy to see her after Christmas break! {smiles}
 Our friend had another baby girl over the holiday break as well--yay!

 Elle and Ce Ce--it was a gorgeous, sunny day!
We shall see where our adventures take us!

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