
Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow Lessons and "A Snowy Day" Lapbook

We recently {finally} received a lot of snow, so it was a perfect time to begin our homeschool lessons on snow! I have to admit, I LOVE the 4 seasons. I really don't mind winter and actually enjoy looking at the snow. Now, driving in it is another thing, but it is pretty to look at:)
Our Bible memory verse for the week.
 Our library books.

Some of our crafts.
Elle loved making words using glue and artificial craft snow!
 Elle's "The Snowy Day" Lapbook. This was so fun to make!

 Doing some fun "snow painting" with glue and shaving cream.

Em's Winter Words book.
The girls had a lot of fun playing with bowls of snow.
Em was so amazed with watching the snow change from snow to water. "Where did the white color go?" Good question, my love!
We also did various experiments with weight, changing from solid to liquid, estimating what happens with temperature changes etc.
 The girls writing down their observations to put into our science journal/binder.
 We made crystal snowflakes with borax. It was fun and easy!
Instructions found here.
 The snowflakes turned out great and they really sparkle in real life. So pretty!
 CeCe loves the snowflakes!

 We made these cute little snowman snow globes using contact paper and paper plates.
Get the instructions here.
We changed our front windows to snowflakes instead of fall leaves.
Winter is finally here!
Em working on her Letter S drawer.
I put together this shoe box with a scavenger hunt game. The girls really enjoyed searching the house for things that started with the letter S!

Shoe, snowflake, sock, star etc. They did great finding things to put in the box!

Enjoying some "snowball" cookies we made!

Elle is still working on her advanced math lessons and reading. {I will spare you posting pics of her worksheets every time} LOL. Em is really enjoying drawing, cutting and pasting and trying to spell words. CeCe just LOVES trying to keep up with her big sisters!
We are so incredibly blessed!
Elle and Em are now taking ballet and tap dancing lessons in addition to Homeschool Gym.

They LOVE it and Ce Ce cannot wait to join them!
Thank you so much for following us on our journey--we love and appreciate each and every one of our blog followers!

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