
Thursday, January 5, 2012

5-Minute "Apple Pops"!

These little treats are so fun and so EASY (not to mention healthy)!!
You have GOT to make these:)
 Here's what you will need:
1-sticks to put the pops on. I used cookie sticks with pointed ends.
2-a melon baller
4-peanut butter
5-piece of styrofoam to put the sticks in while they "set."
 Step 1: Use your melon baller to scoop out apple balls.
 Step 2: Stick the apple ball on the stick and twist slightly. Dip it in some melted peanut butter. {I microwaved ours for less than a minute to make it smooth.} Roll it around for full coverage.
 Jam the sticks into the foam:)
 Let the peanut butter cool a bit....{try not to eat them yet!}


They are always gone in no time! We have tried crunchy and smooth peanut butter-both with great success!!!

Please let us know if you make them! We know you will love them as much as we do!

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