
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ce Ce's Tot School {19 Months old}

Ce Ce is now 19 months old and growing up way too fast! 
Here is a re-cap of some of her recent adventures!

 Working on her fine motor skills and pincer grasp by putting dry pasta into a narrow bottle opening.
 All of our girls LOVE this closures board!
 Working with her sisters on some 5 senses exploration.
 Shape sorting fun!
 Making art with sandpaper, string and pompoms.
 Writing on the chalk board.
 More fine motor skills work. Placing dry spaghetti into small holes on the top of the cheese canister. This takes a lot of concentration!
Trying to put pipe cleaners into the holes of a colander.
 Helping to decorate the Kids' Christ-mas tree!

Spending time playing with our dog, Lady. Sadly, Lady passed away 2 days before Christmas:(. She was almost 14 years old and had Lymphoma (cancer).  She was the absolute sweetest dog you'd ever met and she is sorely, sorely being missed!!!

Then....we headed on vacation for nearly 2 weeks!!!
 Ce Ce thought it was more fun to kiss Mommy than to pose for a family photo:)
 Ce Ce LOVED spending time with Grandmother (my mother) in Florida! We took her with us on vacation and the girls had a ball with her!
 "Homeschool happens everywhere!" This is certainly the case with us! Ce Ce working on some magnetic letters while on vacation.
 Ce Ce learning about walking in the sand. She wasn't too sure about it at first, lol.
 Breakfast, outside in December---I like it!
 We went to a science learning center where we learned all about manatees!
Then, back home, just in time for Christmas!
 Merry Christ-mas from me and my girlz!
 We pray you have had a wonderful Christ-mas and your New Year is off to an amazing start!
Please keep our family in your prayers as we continuously pray for you!

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