
Monday, October 10, 2011

Helping Others

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." 

This is one of my favorite Bible verses!  It really speaks to the reasons WHY we, as Christians, are to perform good works. NOT for our own personal gain or glory, but so that GOD may be glorified!!!

This weekend, our family participated in a 2-mile walk to raise money and awareness about Juvenile Diabetes. We put it on our Fall Fun Festivities List, and are so happy to have been able to complete this event!

  Friends of ours have a daughter the same age as our oldest with Type 1 Diabetes. It is life-changing. We chose to participate in this walk in honor of them and we had a really fun time doing it:)!

 There were LOTS of people involved and the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS for a midwestern fall day!

 Me, with a local news anchor.
 We had so much fun on this huge slide:)
 Our sweet love, Ce Ce, having an apple. I just praise God for our children and pray for their health daily.
 It was such a gorgeous day,we decided to spend it at the park after the walk.

 It was the perfect day! Our girls learned what it means to really help others and we had such a wonderful feeling being with so many others who shared a common goal. We are praying for our friends and all children with diabetes. We hope you will join in the effort. Please check out The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's website for more info!


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