
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cloud Dough Fun {Messy Monday Fun Day}!

We usually have a Messy Monday installment so that the girls can get their hands "dirty" and have fun being creative using various mediums. 

This week, we made "Cloud Dough." 
It is super simple to make:
8 cups of plain flour
1 cup of baby oil (we love to buy the lavender scented kind)

Just mix it together!!!

It is a wonderfully, soft sensory experience for the little ones. And, it smells so good!!

You can give the kids all sorts of things to pour, scoop, measure (learning about VOLUME and measurements) as well as molds to make various shapes. 

We simply stored ours in air tight plastic bowls with lids and it is staying really well!

The girls love this "cloud dough" so much, they have played with it all week! IS MESSY Monday:-)

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try this, I am not a huge fan of messes lol but this looks too fun to pass up.


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