
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You've GOT to try this! {From my kitchen} Strawberry Dessert Nachos

Ever so often, we look to make a dessert for our family to enjoy. This one was absolutely perfect for us! We were able to regulate the sugar, and we even used whole wheat tortillas and fresh strawberries.
 We simply melted some butter and "painted" it onto the whole wheat tortillas. 
Then, we sprinkled them generously with cinnamon and a little bit of sugar.
 Elle cut them up into triangles using the pizza cutter.
 Big Daddy helped by chopping up the strawberries:) Yes, he is Mr. Wonderful--we love  him dearly:)
 Then, we just popped them in the oven at 350 degrees for 5-6 mins just so they start to brown up a bit and get a little crunchy.
 Oh, my----doesn't that look tasty? It is!! We just topped the nachos with the strawberries and some whipped cream we bought at Trader Joe's.
 The girls were too excited about their dessert nachos!
 Especially Em--she goes through phases where she says ice cream is "too cold" so she would rather eat whipped cream anyway, lol.
For Mommy and Daddy, we tried it with the chocolate sauce, but neither of us are big chocolate fans, so we actually preferred it without the chocolate sauce. But, for all of your chocolate lovers out there-try it!! You will probably love it! It was like chocolate-covered strawberries with a cinnamon twist--very good!
Here is the link to the recipe.

What fun summer desserts do you enjoy making? We may just have to make some smores this summer! It just really wouldn't be summer without them, huh?

1 comment:

  1. I've made the cinnamon sugar tortillas before, but never thought of adding to them. Looks scrumptious, thanks for sharing.


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