
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Messy Mondays!! {Summer Fun} 2

Here is a short poem I found on on a great blog. I found it really fitting to us starting to do the Messy Monday Funday!


As I sit and watch him play
I'm fully there in every way
A pour, a stir, a splish, a splash
I'm witnessing a joyful bash
Mistakes are made, and even praised 

He problem solves, my child’s amazed
Through play he learns of his self-worth
Something I’ve instilled since birth
No shame, no correction, just free to discover
The wonders of this world he will uncover
The day is done, his hands are red
There’s sand and shaving cream on his head
A passerby stares in dismay
“Oh Dear, why does he look that way?”
I smile with pride, and the comfort of knowing
That all this “mess” is helping his growing
From blue toenails to purple knees
I smile at my child.....who is so PLEASED.


Here is our 2nd Messy Monday Fun Day wrap-up! We are really, really enjoying the Messy Monday lessons and, the girls have totally surprised me in how daring they can be:)

This week, we made Flubber!! Have you ever made it before? Oh, you should! It is so fun, inexpensive to make and kept our girls happily occupied for a long time!
Here is the simple recipe we used:

We also took a nature walk and went "creeking." Now, let me tell you. Our girls are normally *very* skittish with getting dirty, or wet or messy----and, maybe that is because I tend to be more of a neat freak and need to let them explore more. So, I decided to pray for a calm spirit in encouraging the girls to try new things and that it would be totally OK for them to get messy:)
 We always love picking the beautiful flowers on our walks.
 We had to walk across the wet rocks to get to the dry part to collect our rocks.
Elle was nervous at first, but prayed for courage and walked across. She had a few stumbles, but just kept going. Her confidence was built in this lesson for sure!
 In the creek in our neighborhood's walking trail. 
The girls had so much fun collecting rocks!

 Oh, boy--what have I done??? Now, they are interested in climbing! {stay calm, mama}.

We brought our rocks and flowers home and, Elle created this beautiful centerpiece!
 We put together a really cute bucket of cleaning supplies-spray bottles of water, sponges, dish soap and watering cans. The girls had so much FUN washing their rocks in the water table!!

 Then, they decided to wash the windows on the doors---hey, who am I to stop their little creative hearts, ha, ha!!
 Ce Ce LOVES water, so this was perfect for her!
 Em was so happy to be able to make a complete wet, soapy mess of herself!

Then, em wanted to clean out their outdoor play house, but it started to rain, so we have to save that for another day:) 

What a FUN Messy Monday Fun Day!! 
What are you doing that is messy this summer??
I would love to hear about it:)

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