
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our 2011 Summer Bucket List and More...

Why does it seem like this summer is just FLYING by?? I know with each child being added to our family, it just seems like the time passes exponentially faster than before! Is it the same in your family?

This summer, we have decided to make a "bucket list" of the fun things we hope to do. Some of the activities we have done before, but a lot of the things we chose are brand new adventures for our family! We are really looking forward to having lots and lots of fun this summer!

 We all decided on what things we thought would be fun. We also looked in books and magazines for inspiration. There are some things we have never done and others are our favorites!
 After gathering all of our suggestions, I made a Word document and inserted photos to make little cards for each activity.
 Then, we just tossed them into our bucket and there we have it.
Our Summer 2011 "Bucket List" of Fun!

We also are going to do a Summer Park Tour this year. We are blessed to have many wonderful metro parks in our area. We have selected 10 of them to visit this summer. 7 of them being new to us. We are going to keep track of them on our Familyfun tear-out we got from the magazine.
 Each time we visit one of the parks on our list, we will take a photo there and put it into our "Park Tour" photo album. This should be a fun way to store our great memories we will make this summer!

Some of the fun things we have on our bucket list include:
  • Having a movie night
  • Visiting a nursing home
  • Praying for someone
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Making homemade ice cream
  • Making bagels
  • Making fruit smoothies
  • Gardening
  • Making smores 
  • Flying kites
  • Camping out in the backyard *we may have to do this next year when the baby is bigger*
  • Having a park party with friends
  • Making popsicles
  • Making sidewalk paint
  • Washing the car
  • Going swimming
  • Visiting a museum
  • Sprinkler fun day
  • Bike rides
  • Feeding ducks
  • Going Bowling
  • Cooking out (bbq)
  • Playing hopscotch
  • Movie night
  • Painting our toe nails
  • Having a garage sale
  • Going on a boat ride
  • Going to the zoo
  • Baking bread
  • Making soft pretzels
  • Making lemonade
It should be fun seeing how many things we can cross off of our lists!
How are you planning to enjoy your summer?

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