
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

VBS Week {Weekly Wrap-Up}

Our oldest daughter, Elle (age 5) has been going to a local Vacation Bible School for the past 3 summers and has always LOVED going! This year, our middle daughter, Em (almost 3) got accepted to go as well.  So, our homeschooling was focused on building on the VBS daily lessons and songs our girls learned. They had so much fun riding in the car with Daddy (he dropped them off on his way to work) and Ce Ce and I had 2 hours to get things accomplished and spend some quality one-on-one time together. 

I had so many grand plans for the week! I just *knew* I would get so many things checked off of my ever-growing long and looming "to-do" list. HA! First of all, Ce Ce MISSED her sisters! She kept calling their names and looking for them around the house. She was pretty upset about it the first day and only marginally improved throughout the week. Needless to say, I didn't get much done (besides holding and playing with the baby), but it was still nice to have the house a bit quieter and run errands with only 1 child to entertain and keep track of!

 Ce Ce was SO happy to see her sisters!!!

 The girls came home and wanted to practice the moves to their VBS songs nightly, to practice for their grand finale performance on Friday night!

 They did a great job and were so excited that their Grandma came to see them perform!

 This is a little girl we have known since she and Elle were babies. We always saw them at the library story time and they had fun hanging out with her at VBS, too!
 After the Grand Finale performance, the church sponsored a little reception and party for the families. The girls had so much fun playing outside!
Overall, it was a fantastic week for the girls! I am so glad they enjoyed learning more about God and how much Jesus loves them! It is such a blessing to hear them quoting Bible Scriptures and singing songs they learned at VBS. They are already talking about going next summer, but I think it is all of the "junk" food they got to eat there that they are most enamored with, lol:)

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