
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Resurrection Eggs & Lapbook and Hill of Calvary!

We are just having an amazing time preparing for Resurrection Sunday! 
We believe this is the most important holiday in our Christian beliefs, and so, we are making a very concerted effort to infuse lots of fun activities with a focus on the resurrection of Jesus!

Here are some of the fun things we have been working on.....ENJOY!!

Resurrection Eggs

 Elle was very helpful in putting all of the printables inside.
Each egg has a picture and also a little paper with a typed up summary of the bible scripture for that picture. Each egg carefully describes the story of Christ's time right before, during and after his crucifixion.

 Each evening, as a family, we open one egg and learn the lesson for that day!
Em loves working on the Resurrection Eggs and putting them all in order.
There are lots of different ways to make your own Resurrection Eggs, or you can purchase them already assembled if you prefer. We chose to just use a printable and make our own.
You can find the printables we used here.
The girls have had such a fun time learning more about the story of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection using these eggs. Elle's little sensitive soul has deeply been touched this week. She just keeps saying how sad she is that those mean people hurt Jesus so badly:)

Resurrection {Double} Lapbook

To further our study of the Resurrection of Christ, we put together a really neat little lapbook!! We combined the Resurrection Egg ideas with some additional fun crafts and bible stories. I tweaked some of the ideas found here.

 The front of the lapbook with a palm leaf from our Palm Sunday church service.

 These are the Resurrection Eggs with each of the pictures inside.
 Elle is still working on parts of it, and really enjoying it:)
 Elle's Bible Story Mini-books.
 This is a neat craft that you put together with a brass brad to be able to roll the tomb stone away and reveal the angels saying "He is not here--He is risen!"

 We put our mini-books in little envelope pockets on the back of the lapbook.
Our Bible Memory Verse for this week!!!

Jesus' Tomb: Calvary Hill
We have been eagerly awaiting the growth of our calvary hill {and still waiting, lol}, but I wanted to go ahead and show you what we have achieved thus far.
Here is what we "hope" it will resemble once we are finished with it. {Trust me, I do NOT have a green thumb to save my life, but it has been fun working on this project and we actually also completed a gardening lesson that I will share with you as well:)}

 {Photo credit: Mustard Seeds}
You can find the whole tutorial on how to make your own here. Maybe an idea for next year?

We didn't have the wheat grass, but we used regular grass and we are finally seeing some growth! Here is how we built ours:) 
 This is a beautiful way to visually display the tomb of Christ and how it was empty once he was Resurrected with all power and glory in his hand!
 The girls have done an excellent job keeping our Calvary Hill watered.

 The girls have loved checking on their little hill every day!

Yay--the grass if finally growing (day 11)!!! We hope it fills in and grows nice and thick so we can add our branch crosses before Resurrection Sunday! We'll update once the project is complete:)

We sure hope you enjoyed seeing what we are doing and are inspired to have some fun in your lessons on Resurrection Sunday as well:)
If you would like to see some more fun Resurrection Sunday/Easter activities (including food:), please check out our posts HERE.


1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! Looks like you and your girls had fun and learned lots this week! Happy Easter!


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