
Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Egg Chicks {Edible}, Resurrection Rolls, Jelly Bean Prayer etc.

We have been having such a wonderful time preparing our hearts and minds to celebrate Resurrection Sunday also known as "Easter."  
Our girls have been having a fun time with lots of different books, crafts and fun foods! I would like to share some of them with you in hopes you may be inspire to incorporate some fun activities into your home during this Easter Season.
Our Easter Books
Some of the library books we are studying.
{Click on any of the photos to enlarge them}
We always love to incorporate food into our learning. We love to cook {and we LOVE to eat} and it is always fun to reinforce a lesson with a food activity!

Edible Baby Easter Chicks

Aren't these the cutest little baby chicks? They are made like deviled eggs--simple and sweet! I got the idea here.

We also talked about how baby chicks breaking out of their shells represents Jesus breaking through the darkness of this world to shine His glorious light of love for all to see and experience!

The only problem with making "cute" or animal-shaped foods is our animal-lover daughters usually prefer to play with them and "pet" them than eat them, LOL!

Resurrection Rolls
 I read about Resurrection Rolls and just knew we had to try them!
Our girls had so much fun making them! They are very simple (yet, unhealthy), but offer an amazing visual opportunity to teach about the tomb being empty when Jesus was resurrected!  You can find the instructions to make them here.

 Here is a recap of the ingredients and how you can use them to walk through the story of Easter with your children:
1-crescent rolls (represent the grave garments of Jesus Christ-and later, the tomb)
2-marshmallow is the body of Christ
3-melted butter (the oil used on the body of Christ)
4-cinnamon/sugar mix (the spices of embalming used once Christ as dead)
 The girls did not know what to think of the marshmallows---it was the 1st time they had ever seen them or eaten them;) Didn't take long though, they wanted to try it!

The tomb was empty!!! Jesus is Risen! 
What a wonderful (and tasty)illustration of the empty tomb of Jesus!
It was so funny, Em could not believe it was empty! She kept thinking something (Jesus) was going to come jumping out of the roll! LOL. 

Jelly Bean Prayer
We also put together a small jar of jelly beans and attached the Jelly Bean Prayer to it.

The prayer reads:

Red is for the blood He gave.

Green is for the grass He made.

Yellow is for the sun so bright.

Orange is for the edge of night.

Black is for the sins we made.

White is for the grace He gave.

Purple is for His hour of sorrow.

Pink is for our new tomorrow.

An egg full of jelly beans, Colorful and Sweet

Is a prayer, a promise, A loved one's treat!!

Charlene Dickensen, 1997
We got the printable tags here.

Tiny Easter Baskets
Our other recent Easter-related craft was miniature Easter Baskets with tiny little jelly beans in them!

Aren't they a-dor-a-ble?!

We just simply cut up our egg carton, painted them and attached handles made from pipe cleaners. You can see more detailed instructions here.

We have had a whole lot of fun this week! 
We hope you are enjoying your Lenten Season and preparing to celebrate the most holy holiday of the year!
Please share your fun Easter activities with us!


  1. Cute ideas! Stealing some of them for my first graders next week! Looks like you are a fun home schooling momma!

  2. Fun, fun, fun! We've made the rolls before, they are very easy, and yummy! Your chicks are adorable! Taste of Home has one similiar, but they used olive slices for the eyes {They looked more like owls then chickens. lol....YOURS are much cuter! Love seeing mamma's having fun with their little ones! :0) Keep up the awesome work!

    Much Love & Blessings,
    Our Simple Country Life


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