
Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Gardening Unit!

We had a really, really fun time working through our gardening unit. We got most of our printables from Homeschool Creations' Gardening Pack. We tweaked the preschool pack to suit our needs and the girls' interests and let them have fun just playing in the dirt!

 I got this adorable mini-gardening tool set at my favorite Thrift Store for just 90 cents!
 Elle had a ball tweezing the little baby carrots.
 Elle did a great job separating the pictures of seeds that would either grow into vegetables or flowers!
 We spent some time learning about the parts of a flower.
 Elle matched up the words to the parts on the printed picture.
 Em loved learning all of the new words and names of gardening-related items. We actually have a family in town we know that has a huge garden every summer. We are going to go over there and learn first-hand from them {since Mommy and Daddy do NOT have green thumbs;)}

 We planted some Rosemary, Basil, Cilantro and Chives.

 We also decided to try to grow some things in egg shells. They worked out nicely!

 We turned these cards into a memory match game after laminating them.
The girls LOVE checking the plants times per day:)
 Elle cut out some pictures from magazines and both girls had a lot of fun classifying them as living or non-living.
 And on a rainy day, some lovely deer grazed in our neighbor's back yard. (no, we do not live in the country, lol:)
Em and Elle loved watching them and kept asking if they could go outside and pet them:)
 Em working on sequencing cards of a plant growing.
Elle worked hard at matching the words with the gardening items pictured.
Our little plants are starting to grow-the girls are so proud!!! The LOVE showing everyone "their plants" and we cannot wait for them to grow enough that we can transplant them into pots and snip a bit off to use in our cooking!!

 The girls had a GREAT time making these simple bird feeders. We used dry cereal and bird shaped templates. Our birds LOVED them!! They were gone in no time!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful works as always! Great idea for the carrot tweezing! I also love that you made the cards to go with your activity! Great job!



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