
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our "for the love of birds cakes". :)

Well, if you have been following us at all, you know we are "animal lovers." 
We have 3 lovely lab mixes that we rescued and have made our furbabies for the past 12 years. And, February is "National Bird-Feeding Month"!
You can learn more here!

Our little lovely ladies are also budding animal lovers and so we wanted to incorporate some fun "hearts and valentine's" themed crafts into our lesson plans for this month.

Inspired by this blog post,  we decided to try to make some birdseed cakes to put on our trees to feed the neighborhood birds {though most have flown south for the winter}.

Good thing we did---we are experiencing a frightful ice storm! We made quite a few, but only 2 are remaining in/near our tree. We are certain quite a few little critters will be well-fed this week:)

We ended up making way too many and used other shapes besides hearts:) We hope the little critters and birds are enjoying their meals. The girls LOVE going to the windows and checking to see if their bird friends are coming by for a snack!



  1. what a cute idea, I would so use this if I had a yard. I love birds.

  2. That is so cute!
    We put out regular bird feeders in our yard once. By the end of the week it looked like a Hitchcock movie in our backyard. By the end of the following week the birds had went through 3 giant bags of birdseed.
    We couldn't afford it and took the feeders down.

  3. Great job taking care of the birds! It is on our list! We have a feeder but I think Elle would love it! Kerri

  4. How cute, to use cookie cutters to make bird feeders!


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