
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Valentine Tradition {"True Love from Above"}

This year, the Lord has truly placed it on my heart to approach Valentine's Day in a totally fresh and new way! This year, we are taking advantage of Valentine's Day to teach {even more} about love...TRUE LOVE...the LOVE of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! Instead of focusing of the fleeting, romantic love this "Hallmark Holiday" traditionally reflects, we are choosing to firmly root it in the word of God and also love notes to our girls from us!

We will be doing a sort of "14 Days of Valentines" full of fun, love and the ever-relevant Holy word of God!

 Our Theme is "True Love from Above." 
Each morning, Daddy and the girls will come downstairs and each have 14 hearts with a love note from me and a Bible scripture on love. The girls are so excited to get their "gift" every single day leading up to Valentine's Day!!

Really, what better gift can we provide our children than to introduce them to the love of God?

 One of the valentines I made for my husband:)

Well, that is our take on Valentines' Day this year! It is off to wonderful start!
Elle was so sad that I didn't have any hearts hanging for me, that she started making me some hearts tonight:) What a sweetheart!

How will you make Valentine's Day special this year?

1 comment:

  1. Aria,

    Beautiful idea! Very important to show them that love comes from above and that God will always love them and then in turn they will always love themselves!

    We will be with friends and family this year showing them our love and gratitude for our health and givng blessings for that!



We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!