
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our Weekly Wrap-Up {Letter H is for...}

Whew, this week FLEW by{and, the weekend even faster}!! 
We had a great time at Homeschool gym, introducing Valentine's Day from a Christian perspective and learning about the letter H!

As always, thank you so much for stopping by and checking out our weekly progress in our homeschool! We are honored by your presence and truly hope you are blessed by our little blog:)

 Here is our memory verse for the week.
Our Letter H Learning Chart.
The greatest Valentine of Love Ever---got the idea here!
 We are introducing the Valentine's Day Holiday with a Christian focus on the True love of Christ.  To learn more, you can go here  and see how we are using Bible Scriptures to teach our girls about the love of God in a fun way!
 The girls had fun making these cute little thumbprint hearts!
I had this cute little picture frame and put them in there. I love looking at them:)

 We made some really pretty pink playdough to make some nice love hearts out of!
Here is the recipe for my homemade playdough. 
I use it in many different variations, but it is the base we use most times.

 Elle working on some math using conversation hearts to do addition.

 Elle doing a mathematical graph using conversation hearts.

 Em working on her hand/eye coordination---matching doggies.
 Em matching up these little heart puzzles I printed off from Confessions of a Homeschooler and then I laminated and cut them. She LOVES working with anything with animals!!

 Em sorting conversation hearts by color.

Em working on her hand strengthening skills-tweezing some baby carrots onto a tray. So funny, she still LOVES carrots. As a baby, I remember her feet and hands turned orange from eating so many carrots, LOL!

 Jesus Loves Me minibooks I printed off.
 Elle LOVES making books! She always has!
 H is for house! It is so cute to see all 3 girls playing together:)
The are just growing up way too fast!

H is for healthy! We try to really promote eating a healthy lifestyle. We talked more this week about what is healthy and what is un-healthy as well as why we limit our "treats."

 H is for "Hungry Hippos."
 We made some chocolate playdough that smells DIVINE!! {and, I am not even a chocolate lover}. All of the girls were so tempted to eat it:) We had a lot of fun making little hearts to fill our empty chocolate heart box.  I found the box for a quarter at the thrift store---no chocolate inside:)

 Our Valentine's Day Sensory Tub.
 Elle working on some sticker patterns I made.
 Counting with conversation hearts. I printed these cards from Confessions as well.

 Elle working her hands doing some ribbon weaving. I got the idea from Counting Coconuts.
 Our Letter H drawer items {horses, hand, hot dog, hearts, helicopter, horseshoes, holly etc}.

 Em sorting hearts by size.

 Elle made a Red Color Book. I print them from
 Em counting with conversation hearts.

 We pulled out the ironing board to play with since we are incorporating Black History Month facts into our lessons. To learn more about the inventor of  the predecessor to the modern ironing boar, Sarah Boone, check out this cool website of Black Inventions.

Our animal of the week was dog, so here are some of our books. 
By far, the favorite book was "Bark George" and we had a lot of fun activities based on this great book! I got them from Making Learning

Elle had a lot of fun spelling out words from the story with Scrabble tiles.
Em is just learning how to do do-a-dots and still needs help, but is getting much better every time!

Now that Elle is reading very well, the girls had a BLAST with this game. Elle would read the story and Em would reinact it using the printable with a cut-out stomach! They did this countless times this week!

And, because I have the sweetest little 4 (almost 5) year old ever, she made me these valentines:)

Thank you all so much for reading!
We'd love to hear from you and see what you are doing this month!

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