
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mommy Madness Friday Blog Hop! {show off your kids}

For this week's Blog Hop, it is "show off your kids week." Here are a few pics of our children ages 4, 2 and 5 months.

They truly are our greatest blessings!!!


  1. Hi Aria! Your daughters are so adorable! They spread so much joy through their cute smiles:) I am now following you thanks to Friendly Friday and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) Plus, don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog tutorials, you know where to come! Happy Friday!

  2. Love the pictures!! They are so cute!!
    Thanks for joining us for Mommy Madness! I'm following you on here and hope you'll follow back. I'm also following you back on facebook. :D

    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. Hi there! i am your newest follower from the Friday link up. I love finding new blogs and your is lovely:) You can find me at

    Take a peek at my giveaways if you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous. I have 5 going on right now:)


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!