
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Letter Ss Study {Part 2}

First of all, I want to THANK ALL OF YOU for reading my blog!! When God put this on my heart to start it, I was not sure if it would ever materialize into anything beyond a simple documentation of our personal homeschool and life adventures. But, now after receiving so much positive feedback and heart-warming personal messages about the impact this blog is having on people around the world, I am even more inspired! I just got a wonderful message from a Jr. High School teacher who has been inspired to implement some of our curriculum with her preschoolers and is researching if homeschooling is an option for their family. What a testimony!! I am just so THANKFUL and feel so blessed to have God working through me to help other people!! So, thank you all so much--and please continue to leave comments and messages so I can continue to gauge some feedback. I really do appreciate it;-)

We have been studying the Letter S  and continue to have fun in do so. Here are some of the Fun Science Experiments we have been doing as well! We really took a more relaxed approach with this unit, and it has really paid off! The girls are having a ton of fun with all of the Salt Dough Projects and continue to enjoy them.

Here are some photos of the girls continuing in the letter S studies. This first picture, I had to do a separate spotlight on. I caught Elle and Em swapping birth stories and reading over their personalized books we made for them---it was so sweet to hear them talking about being born!!!

We are also having a lot of fun with our art projects. Here is what we have been up to--enjoy!

Please click on the photo to enlarge it!

Thanks so much for reading--Aria;)

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