
Monday, November 8, 2010

Dyed Rice Artwork and More!

We are off to another wonderful week of homeschool! The girls love doing hands-on arts and crafts and I am always including new crafts into our curriculum. This week, we are studying the letter C, colors, clouds and the water cycle (more on the water cycle later). We made some dyed rice in primary colors to use in various crafts and also for Em to use as her Montessori pouring activities.  Making dyed rice is super-simple and lots of fun!!!

 Even a 5-month old can help make it;-)

 Aren't these colors vibrant and beautiful!?

All you have to do is take plain rice, add a few drops of food coloring and some water in a ziploc back and shake, rattle and roll around to spread the color evenly.
Then, lay it out on a sheet with paper towels to dry it out. 
That's it!!

Here are the crafts we have done so far. We had to include the clouds made of cotton balls because of the books we are reading this week:

 We are continuing in the fall theme with using trees and leaves and also including a bit of anatomy with tracing of the hands and arm. The girls love this kind of artwork. 

These are really nice opportunities to teach about textures and colors when you use a 3-dimensional craft medium. It really helps preschoolers learn from a hands-on approach and they LOVE seeing the end results of their hard work!!

Thanks for checking out our latest homeschool projects!
We love all of your kind comments-thank you!!



  1. Wow! What a great idea! I have a two year old daughter who would love this!

    I am a new follower from the blog hop...hoping you can stop by and follow me sometime at my review and giveaway blog. Here is the link:

    I do have several blogs, but this one is the one I need followers on. Thanks so much and Happy Friday!

  2. Awww, how cute! What a great project and pictures! I am hopping by and following your blog, hope you will return the visit to our blog Just Married with Coupons

    We have a blog hop on Saturdays if you would like to join us!


  3. New follower via Weekend Blog Hop :)
    Jen @ My Secret Home

  4. I love the idea of dyed rice, thank you!

  5. Wow, what great colours! I really love the first picture of your baby - such a lovely smile. Thank you so much for joining in with our Play Academy link up - welcome!

  6. I think this is a fab idea we will have to give this ago although im sure more will get eaten then put on paper.


  7. Sharon AKA Cheeky Monkeys ChildmindingNovember 17, 2010 at 11:31 AM

    Lovely idea and am always looking for new collage materials so have put this on the list - Thanks for the inspiration


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