
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

S is for Salt-Our Lessons and Fun with Salt!

To continue our Letter Ss studies this week, we had a lot of fun with salt. One of my friends named Lauren, gave me the perfect recipe for Salt Dough. It was so simple to make and the girls really had a ton of fun through the entire process of mixing it, molding it and painting it!!

To make the salt dough combine 1.5 cups of plain flour, 1/2 cup of salt,
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2/3 cup of water.

Model the dough into whatever figures you want and then slow bake in the oven at 120 C (that's about 240 F) until hardened and then paint and decorate.

Here are the girls making their salt dough. 

After playing with the dough, they wanted to make cut-out shapes.
Here they are ready for the oven!

Elle and Em both thoroughly enjoyed decorating their pieces of art!

Em made a heart-shaped piece and we put it on a string for a necklace (Elle had previously made one). Em was SO INCREDIBLY proud of her necklace!!! She LOVES this necklace. She just totally lights up showing it off and couldn't wait to show Daddy when he got home!

For real--Em seriously walked around ALL day with this thing and barely would part with it to take a nap! She had it on her step stool in her room and couldn't barely sleep, lol! I am so proud of her work and how much she is enjoying her Tot Schooling at home!!

We also took some time studying our letter Ss drawer from our Alphabet Box.
We really have a lot of fun things in here----skateboard, shoes, sticker, snail, stamp, squash, spider, shells etc. The girls really love picking out the items and trying to sound out the spelling of each. I would highly recommend making this box with your children!! *even if you do not homeschool officially, it is still a really fun and educational activity!!

We also did another science experiment with making an egg float in a glass of water by adding salt to it. We had the girls predict if it would sink or float prior to placing the egg in the water. Em actually guessed that it would sink correctly!! 

At first, I used Kosher salt, but that didn't work---oops;) LOL. Got it right the second time with regular salt. 

We also made a quick letter S Sailor from DLTK's craft site. We used a lot of shiny and sparkly things to keep in our letter S mindset.

And, the last part of our Salt fun was a sensory tray I  made with Kosher salt. The girls kept saying it was like snow and wanted to play in it so much! It was a fun and inexpensive sensory/tactile lesson without much work or fuss! 

So, so much fun!!

And, one last S-word---SMILE!!
Just because Ce Ce makes us smile everyday;-) You usually won't spot her in too many of our homeschooling photos b/c I am usually wearing her in my Beco or holding her;)


  1. The salt dough looks like fun, maybe some x-mass tree ornamets are to be made of some, though today we are finnishing our cake we started yesterday. Wounder what that will look like.

  2. wow how easy is the salt dough we are going to have to try that. I used to love the DLTK web site before my printer broke. I can say that home schooling was much easier when I could print things out.

  3. I think we will try salt dough and holiday decorations, thanks for the recipe. Newest follower.

  4. love the salt dough and the salt sensory....thanks for the ideas.

    newest follower,
    Forest Rose

  5. So fun! I love that you made necklaces out for them, such a great idea!

    Stopping by from FF and I'm following you on gfc. Also wanted to invite you to join our Blog Hop, Feed Me Friday! Hope you'll stop by and link up! Thanks!

  6. Fun week! Love how proud your tot is of her necklace. So sweet!


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