
Monday, November 8, 2010

"Ladies Lunch" and More "Out and About"!

Every so often, I take our godly girlz out to what we have dubbed, "Ladies' Lunch." This is a prime opportunity for our girls to learn how to behave as little ladies. It allows us an opportunity to talk about proper etiquette and restaurant protocols including ordering, paying, tipping and cleaning after yourself. Our girls LOVE going to Ladies Lunch and spending special time being little ladies!

Here are some photos from our recent luncheon at a great little 
all-Organic restaurant we love.

We have so much fun and we always get so many compliments on 
how well-behaved our girls are!

Our family really loves our church! We have a wonderful children's church that the girls love going to. We usually wait until they are close to 2 years old before introducing them to a classroom setting where they are left there alone (with the understanding that we are to be immediately called if they are unhappy or crying AT ALL!). We choose to wait until they are verbal enough to explain their needs and can go to the potty as well. This has worked out really well for us and both of our girls LOVE going to "church school" every weekend. 

Here is a pic of our sanctuary from the balcony. Our church has really grown with membership nearing 8,0o0. Praise God!

 Elle's classroom. They love having her in there and always tell us how well she does and how easily she remembers her weekly Bible memory verse. Praise God!

 Em being such a great little girl eating her snack with her friends. 
It makes me sad that she has grown up so FAST!!
Another view of Em's classroom.

Here are some of the girls after church-all dressed up;)

Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Ladies Lunch Out! And I'm so jealous that you have an organic restaurant near you :(


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