
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Elle's Cardboard Box House

We had some leftover cardboard cereal boxes from our Microwave Puffy Paint Craft, so Elle pulled them out and decided to create a little house for our "Little People." 

 I let her freely create and have fun designing their house. 
I love how she made books for them to read and she had her family co-sleeping!
 Elle did an amazing job problem solving how to get the legs on her tables and chairs to work.
She got a bit frustrated with it at first, but came up with a great solution and kept plugging along!

 She really enjoyed making this--all from some cereal boxes, LOL!!

Sometimes, simple is better. {NOTE TO SELF}
 Elle even made a blanket for them:-).
She authored two books, "The Book of Hugs" and "Different Hugs."
They are really cute stories!
Elle said she wants to decorate the house with pictures for the walls, 
she just needs to find the right stickers for it.
Now, I just wonder how long she will want to keep this before we can "recycle" it?

Hey, is there a 'rule' on how long you all keep your children's crafts?

As you can imagine, we easily gather a TON of STUFF. 
How do you rotate it out and know when it's time to throw things away?

***Update to add her wall pictures.***

Elle's house is really coming along nicely!


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