
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1st Day of School! {Smart Cookies}

I thought it would be fun to start a "back-to-school tradition" and since I am so health-conscious most of the time, I really wanted our children to get excited about it!!

So.................I came up with the idea to make "Smart Cookies" and use the positive affirmation phrase of "I am a smart cookie" to get the girls super-excited about another great year of homeschool!

Needless to say, the girls LOVED the idea of baking cookies!!!

We used this super simple recipe for Vanilla Wafers and adjusted our oven temp lower for the bigger letters. Elle came up with the idea of making letters/initials for their first names and since I already had the cookie dough in the piping bag, it was super easy and quick to pipe out the rest of the "smart cookies!"

I still cannot believe how fast our girls are growing up!! 
I keep trying to find the "life brake," 
but, to no avail....*sigh*. If you locate it, please steer me in the right direction!:)

Yes, you can see it here-Elle is more mellow/serious and Em is all about having FUN!!
Ce Ce tries her best to keep up with the big girls, so this year should be quite interesting! I need to take some extra vitamins to keep up!!

What kind of special back-to-school traditions do you all have???
We'd love to hear about them!



  1. Looks awesome! As for back to school traditions we always celebrate the day the public school starts as our NOT back to school day! I actually have a blog post coming tomorrow about that very thing! Traditions are something I hope my kids always remember. I hope they remember the excitement of it being special just for them and I hope some day they will see the effort it all took! XOXO Blessings ~ Kayla

  2. Zookeeper, that sounds AWESOME!! Thank you so much for sharing! I would love to read your blog post-please send it to me when you publish it!

    Yes, I agree---I would one day love to know our children saw all the efforts we put in daily!!!



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