
Thursday, February 9, 2012

~Our Art and Music Lessons~

Here is the wrap-up for our Art and Music lessons. 
We absolutely LOVED this unit study and wanted to share it with you!
In addition to our normal routine of math, science, language arts, phonics, history and social studies, we made extra time for lots of fun art projects!!!

Our theme was based upon Ephesians 2:10. 
What a wonderful message:)

Enjoy the photos of our art and music adventures.

 Mommy even got to make a few paintings. LOL.

 That's me on a beach somewhere....ahhhh!!!

 The 2 big girls (Elle and Em) with the necklaces they beaded. They also made bracelets and a necklace for Mommy:).
 Our books for our lessons.
 We had a wonderful time visiting our local Art Museum!!
 Elle and Ce Ce:).

 Elle building a sculpture out of pipe cleaners. {Mock-up of the Chihuly exhibit}.
 Em crafting her sculpture.

 This was a fun magnet thingy. All kinds of fun shapes and sizes to explore.

 Ce Ce saying and signing "giraffe." 
 Elle making a silly animal. You can combine different animal body parts to design your own creation!
Too cool!
 Em is so proud of her creation!

 Ce Ce had a wonderful time!!! 
She really tries hard to keep up with the "big girls."
 Ce Ce making a sculpture out of dishes.
 She thought the best part was knocking everything down and making a loud "crash!"

 Straw painting. Just put paint on a plate and then blow air through the straw to move the paint around the paper. Very neat!

 Uncovering "hidden messages." We wrote messages in white crayon on white hearts and the girls used watercolors to uncover them. 

 Making balloon designs with tissue paper. 

 We covered black paper with chalk and the girls "painted" with water. 
It was fun, but they were disappointed that the water dried and "went away."
 I love how silly and expressive Em is....most of the time:) LOL.
One of Elle's paintings. She LOVES using the new glitter paints we got!

Now...on to our music class.
It was Princess dress-up day for class. 
The girls thoroughly enjoyed it! 
So did Mommy:).
 Ce Ce LOVES playing the recorder!
 Maybe we could start a girl band:).

 I do a class based on Music and Movement.
Here, the girls are using the Rhythm Sticks to
"tap their toes til the music stops."

Elle is being a walrus.
 Em loves being a moose.
 Ce Ce LOVES music and always enjoys our music class!

 Time to twirl the ribbons!
Looking at these pictures just makes me HAPPY!
Homeschooling should be HAPPY!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Agreed, homeschooling should be fun. We are working on space now, but I too have a unit on art planned. Can't wait!


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