
Monday, February 6, 2012

{H.E.E.T} Tour of Kroger-Behind the Scenes!

I mentioned recently that I started a Homeschool Tours group in my area. I have named the group H.E.E.T {Home Educators Exploring Together} and the group is really, really growing and having FUN learning together. 

Our most recent tour was of a local Kroger grocery store. We really got the VIP treatment and the children learned SO much on this tour! Our tour guide was so wonderful! She has been homeschooling her children for the past 10 years! It was just perfect:)
The girls learned more about healthy eating/nutrition. Kroger provided goody bags with fresh fruits for the girls to enjoy! They loved it!!
Decorating cookies in the Bakery.
 Elle is such a cute little baker.
I loved being able to help the girls in the bakery!
My first job after graduation from college (many moons ago) was as a District Manager for a retail grocery store. It brought back lots of memories being in a store in this capacity:) We all really enjoyed it!
We really got a lot of "hands on" learning. The girls got to all decorate their own Valentine's Day cookies.
Em looked adorable as a little baker girl:)
 Em and Ce Ce had fun riding in the cart and playing with their paper hats.
 The girls' absolute FAVORITE part of the tour---they got to ring up groceries!!!!

 Elle was such a fabulous bagger as well!
 Our girls love to play "cash register at home," but this was the real deal. 
They enjoyed it so much!

 We had to practice food safety and hygiene practices in order to be in the bakery. 
Don't we look funny in our hair nets? LOL.
 The kids learned about recycling cardboard by using a baler.

 They toured the coolers and freezers. Brrrrrhhh.
 The head of the Meat Department was awesome as well!
We learned about food safety, proper cooking temperatures and safe food handling.

The kids got to tour the stock room as well.
Overall, it was a PHENOMENAL experience!! I was so happy with how we were able to arrange the tour. We are looking forward to many more fun adventures!
Just one of the many reasons why we LOVE homeschooling:)


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