
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Owl Lessons {Owl Babies Lapbook}

We have been having a wonderful time learning all about OWLS!!
We LOVE the book "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell and decided to make a cute lapbook based on the book!
 Elle is such a nurturing "little Mommy." She made me smile as she wore her sling and worked on her lapbook.

We used some of the printables found on homeschool share for our lapbook.

Our Bible Memory Verse.
 Being that owls are nocturnal, we discussed how they sleep during the day and are awake all night. We talked about how God designed our bodies to need sleep, but that God NEVER sleeps--He is always watching over us! That is good news!
Here are our books for this unit.
 Elle's favorite owl is the Barn owl because "it looks like God drew a heart on its' face." So, we laced some heart-shaped pasta onto pipe cleaners to make bracelets.
 The girls had a lot of fun working on different owl crafts.

 Em is working on an owl shape match game here.
 We have been blessed with some gorgeous fall weather here and have been spending tons of time outdoors.

 We love fall!
 Em using little rocks as her markers to practice number correspondence.

The favorite activity of the week-OWL COOKIES!!
 I made them from natural peanut butter, brown sugar, an egg and vanilla. Here is a similar recipe to what we made.
 Em working on her pre-writing skills.
 She LOVED playing the shape sort game!
We ordered{for FREE} a CD and booklet from our State's Department of Natural Resources. It has been amazing! The CD has all kinds of owl calls on it and the book has information on all of the different owls we have here.
 Elle did a great job identifying the owls and reading facts about each one!
 Ce Ce had fun making all of the "whooo" calls while listening to the CD!
 Learning about the life cycle of owls.
 Em's counting skills work-she counted the owls and clipped a clothespin on the correct answer! She loves math, too!
 Elle filling in the missing numbers on a worksheet I created.
Elle loves making up her own equations!!!
The girls also painted owls!

 And, they made paper plate owls.
 Reading their favorite Owl book-"Owl Babies." 
It was a wonderful week!

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