
Monday, November 7, 2011

Ce Ce's Tot School {17 Months old}

Ce Ce has been having a really GREAT time in "Tot School!"  She is LOVING the individualized attention, learning lots of new things and making lots of messes, lol:)

Here are some of the things she has been up to!
 Putting small pipe cleaners into holes. This really helps with fine motor skills and her pincer grasp-not to mention, concentration skills!
 She LOVES pretending she is memorizing the Bible Verse for the week:)
 Counting! She LOVES counting!
 Problem solving with various jars and lids.
 She is fascinated with our homemade discovery bottles.
 The cat says "meow!"
 Ce Ce LOVES working with our fall sensory bin!
 Scooping pumpkins!
 Helping big sister with the calendar.
 Learning about magnets!!!
 Ce Ce LOVES listening to books on tape:)
 Playing with play dough.

 Ce Ce loves the light table at the library and is very social with her little friends.
 Coloring her paper plate owl wings.
 Coloring with Daddy!
Correctly identifying primary colored balls and placing them in the bowls I prepared with coordinating construction paper circles.

 So excited to get the green right!! LOL.
 Such a silly little girl,,,,
Playing the "Goodnight Moon" game (loosely:). I would ask her to find the item on her card on the game board. She would name what each thing was (or repeat after us if she didn't know).
 More counting...
 Family Fall fun!
 Itsy bitsy spider.
 Music time! (I think they were doing "If You're Happy and You Know It".)
 Enjoying nature walks.
 Scooping pompoms with a melon baller.
Working with the mini cylinders.
 She was working so diligently with the cylinders. She kept putting them in the wrong spots and then figured them all out on her own!!!
 Ta-dah!! All finished! Phew!
 More magnet fun!

 Working with our nesting dolls.
Using our "Imagination Station."
 I wonder what she is inventing?
 Spooning pompoms.
 Scooping pumpkins.
 Working on her colors again.
Such a happy little learner!
Thank you for following us!


  1. Oh my goodness!! How has she gotten SO big? :) I guess I haven't seen you guys in too long! Great post! :)

  2. Thank you so much, Cathy!!! I KNOW--I just gave birth to her (it seems) and I blinked and now she is all grown up! {tears}. xoxoxo!

  3. Wow! She is a smart little girl! It's so cute when they have older siblings to imitate. My 22 month old loves to count-- he tries to be just like his big bro with the pointer! I love your color sort with the balls. I have to try that!


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