
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Goodnight Moon Lessons and Lapbook

We recently completed a unit study on the moon. We had some really nice weather and were able to go outside and look at the moon in the evenings! We are so thankful for the nice weather!

Our Bible Memory Verse!
Our girls working on memorizing the Bible Verse.
 Our Moon Unit Library Books.
Our "Goodnight Moon" Lapbook. Elle drew an astronaut on the front.

 Elle did a GREAT job making this lapbook! It was loaded with stuff!
 Em, sorting pompoms by size.
 Big sister helping out little sis:) They love homeschooling together and I love educating them!

 Elle doing her favorite thing (besides watching videos of surgical procedures}===MATH!
 Elle really loves doing math!
 Painting their puffy moonscapes.
Phases of the moon done with sponge painting. Paper Plate Moon painting done with half shaving cream and half glue----dries really puffy and makes cool textures!!
 Chocolate Cream Cookies---phases of the moon!
 I think this was the kids' favorite activity:)
 Em making her "Hey Diddle, Diddle" Book.

 Working on her fine motor skills. We called these "Moon Rocks."
 Having fun making letters with paper strips.

 Em had fun making her "Yellow Book."
 Cutting practice. It takes a lot of concentration:).
 Her "cut and paste" creation!
 Looking for the moon!
 It gets dark here really early now---bummer!
 Playing the Goodnight Moon Game!

 Elle loves making sentences (some are very silly) with her flashcards we made!

 A combination of practical life lessons and math.

 In "Goodnight Moon," it introduces the concept of pairs. Em learned to count by 2's!

 Using chopsticks to transfer her "moon balls."
 Playing in our "Moon Dough." We learned that the moon is covered in dust!

 Elle read "Goodnight Moon" to us a lot!
 Decorating stars.

 We took toilet paper rolls and attached foil squares to the top and punched holes in them. Then, turned out the lights and used the flashlight to shine the "stars" on our ceiling---the girls LOVED doing this!!!

 Thanks for following us!! We hope you have been blessed here.


  1. Love the flashlights to make stars! Also, your daughter's math skills are crazy! Did she solve that math problem all by herself? I'm impressed!

  2. Thanks, Jackie! Yes, Elle is working on those math problems all by herself now. I just had to show her how to do it one time and she just took off with it! I was impressed myself! LOL.

  3. I am doing lapbook on Goodnight Moon and found your post through google. Like the detail study you did with your girls on this. A great lapbook!

    I am amazed that your girl can do addition. How old is she?

  4. Thanks you so much Foreverfriends! Our oldest is 5 and just loves math!


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