
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Girls' Pizza Party!

My husband had to work really late, so we decided to have another "Girls' Night In!"

 First, the girls watched "Pete's a Pizza" Story book. It is really cute.
 Of course, we ordered pizza!

 Then, the girls had fun decorating their own paper craft pizzas!

 Ce Ce insisted she get to make hers, too:)
 "Ewwww, Mommy! I touched the glue!" LOL.

 Having a ball!
 Can you tell who got the extra "silly genes" in our family?

 Elle proudly displaying her pizza!
 Em's pizza.
 Our Paper Plate Pizzas!
 Our favorite Girls' Night In activity---making fruit smoothies!
 My little loves:).
 Smoothies are good, lol:)
Then, the girls had fun burning off some energy in the bounce house!
It was a GREAT party!!!!

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