
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Homeschool Highlights 2

Here is a re-cap of some of the other homeschool adventures we have had recently.

 Elle sorting pompons and graphing them for a math lesson.

 Studying money.

 Elle LOVES to pretend she is a doctor!!! Poor Em was just trying to read a book. She had no idea she needed surgery that day;-)!

 The girls love to eat any food on a stick, lol. It's their latest "fad."
 One of our Bible Memory verses. This one is such an encouraging one!
 Elle working on Phonics worksheets.
 Elle working on flash cards for language arts.
 Such a happy little learner:)
 I made a game up called "hide the heart." I just put a little heart under a cup and switched them around to let the girls guess where it was hidden. 
Simple. Effective. FUN.

 We played another round of "Sink or Float." The girls made predictions as to what items they thought would sink or float.
I LOVE it when the girls have FUN while learning!
Fun finger painting.
 We attended a local church's fall festival.
 Pony rides!

 Ce Ce had fun in the bounce house.

Ce Ce wasn't too sure about the huge rabbit, LOL.

We went to a farm with a pumpkin patch. Trying to enjoy the last of the warm days here!

 Elle was reticent to try this at first, but once she got started, her confidence grew and she had a ball!

 We loved seeing camels out in the middle of nowhere:)
 This was, by far, the girls' favorite activity at the farm. It was an old wagon FILLED with dried corn kernels. One HUGE sensory table, LOL.  The would've stayed in there all night if we could have let them! We met another homeschooling family there who lives right around the corner from us!!! What a blessing!
 We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch.

 Me and my girls:)
Life is good.


  1. Wow, lots of fun activities!! I love your money sort basket. Wonderful idea.

  2. Thank you so much, KewKew!!! I really appreciate it!


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