
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekend Learning Fun!

How did you all spend your weekend? We had a lot of fun!
We spent a lot of time outside-enjoying the last of our warm weather! We love to go on Family Walks, Listening Walks, and have Family Foot Races.

Once we came back inside, we continued the fun and learning.
First, the girls decided to have a "Family Fashion Show." Even the baby, CeCe (15 months) enjoyed being in it, lol:)

 Em has her own sense of style! Being the animal-lover that she is, she had to model with a toy dog.
Our fashionista, Elle. She loved modeling in the show!

The girls worked on their Phonics lessons by matching the animals to their beginning letter sound. 
They both did an amazing job on this lesson!

To solidify our math lessons, Elle worked on sorting coins.

 I also asked her to come up with different amounts of money using the coins. This was a good lesson and lots of fun!
This week, we also studied patterns in math (ABA, AAB, ABB etc). To bring the lessons to life, we made bead necklaces using different patterns.
Em loves making beaded jewelry!
We also made fruit kabobs using patterns. The girls really enjoyed this math lesson:)

Elle's ABC fruit pattern.
The girls are also learning to use kiddie chopsticks. I found these at a thrift store for just $1.91! They are having a lot of fun using them!
 We had hot air balloons fly over our neighborhood while we were outside---such a treat!!

Our new arts and crafts organizer. I found this little pocket-thingy at the thrift store for $1.51. It has worked out perfectly for our craft items. The girls can see what is in each pocket, easily access it and put it back where it goes. We are LOVING this new storage solution!!!
We keep it hanging on the wall of the classroom when not in use.
Ce Ce LOVES the letter magnets on the fridge:) She is starting to sing her ABC's along to the Leap Frog toy already!

We had a wonderful weekend and hope you did, too!

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