
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reading is FUNdamental!

I have always been an avid reader. I would rather read than watch television any day! I remember as a child, I would sneak library books under my bed so my mother wouldn't return them because I loved to read so much! I had so many library fines, I had to volunteer at the library to work them off, LOL.

Well, I still love reading and love the library. And, guess what? I still haven't figured out how to NOT accumulate library late fees, lol!

The good news is, our girls LOVE to read as well. They also love going to the library!
This week's trip to the library was an extra-special one! During story time, one of our Senators came to read the first story. It was really great to see her again-she is such an inspiration!

Elle picked out tons of new books at the library and I captured a video of her reading one of the new books she brought home.

Enjoy our sweet Elle (5 yrs old) reading "I Love to Sing."


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