
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never Too Old to Learn!

So, just recently, I became interested in learning more about canning and preserving foods. I found out my Great-Grandmother used to garden and preserve her homegrown foods for her family, but along the line, the tradition was not handed down to me. I definitely want to learn more so that I can teach our children how to preserve foods (and, hopefully learn how to garden some day:).

Thanks to Facebook, I found out a friend of mine (who grows an amazing garden, homeschools her 3 daughters and is also an Attachment Parenting Practicer) was attending a Garden Club meeting focusing on canning. She invited me to go~it was perfect timing (God's timing:)!

We had such an amazing time at the Garden Club meeting! I was able to meet some really exceptional people, learn a lot about canning (it's a lot more time-consuming than I thought:), and eat some really delicious foods!
Learning to make "chow chow."

 Making mixed berry jelly--it is so, so good! I can't wait to make some fresh buttermilk biscuits to put this one---if it lasts long enough:)

So, even Mommy go to class and learns about new things. Our motto is, "you are never too old to learn!"


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