
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mommy, "I am hungry!" {From My Kitchen}

I have 5 brothers (and 2 sisters), and I honestly think our girls eat more than my brothers ever did!
These girls simply cannot seem to get enough food! I cook a full, hot breakfast, clean up the kitchen and they are right back in there asking for a snack before I am finished!

How many times per day do you hear "I am hungry" or "what can I eat?"

{Even the little one loves to eat, lol}

I figured if I put together a "snack tray" that the girls could easily access, it might save me a few minutes each day, and, for me, being more efficient is a must with homeschooling and caring for 3 small kiddos and 3 dogs, oh, and taking care of my wonderful husband:).

So, here is the first tray I have put together.

On the left, I put sliced fresh garden zucchini. I also put some multigrain crackers, baby carrots, red grapes, sliced yellow peppers, small oranges, string cheese and nitrate-free turkey. I think the girls will LOVE this idea and I will feel less stressed about putting together snacks in the midst of a busy school day. It's all of their favorites, so I am hoping they will not eat the whole tray in one sitting, lol.

I may even try to take this with us on field trip days since I always pack our lunches anyway!

All set to go!

Anyone have any other cool snack ideas? Please feel free to share them!


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