
Sunday, July 31, 2011

{Weekly Wrap-Up} The One that was Hodge-Podged, lol:

Well, this week we decided to do a hodge podge of homeschool fun activities. I really just followed the girls' lead even more than usual this week. We did our Messy Funday Monday craft,  and had an abbreviated school week. Elle has been in gymnastics camp a couple of mornings this week, so Em, Ce Ce and I spent some quality fun time together.

We have some more structured lessons coming over the next couple of weeks until Elle starts her official hybrid Kindergarten/1st grade school year and Em starts pre-school two mornings a week at our church.

I still cannot believe we are winding down our summer....(sniff, sniff).

Elle enjoyed some time working in her 1st grade math workbook--she loves doing these!

Em continues to practice drawing and writing her name.
Em also loves working in her workbook and has starting understanding the concept of words rhyming now. She loves to make rhyming word pairs now!
Because Em has a a birthday coming up in August, she was playing with the flubber and birthday candles and silicone cup cake shapes.
The girls completed their Summer Reading Club through  our local library and earned these neat pencil boxes filled with goodies;). Em loves using the glue stick, lol.
Em also worked on her matching shapes and color words. She is really good at this now!
We made homemade pickles again! They are so easy to make and taste SOOOO much better than anything in the store!!

Em spent some quality time helping me in the kitchen this week! She is really turning into a BIG girl now! I still cannot believe she is going to be 3 already! She was JUST born it seems like!

We started the party preparations for Em's birthday. Em was so cute painting the laundry clips to make butterfly favors. She took this craft VERY seriously, lol.
Elle did a wonderful job helping paint the butterfly clips as well.
Em was busy trying to sneak the snacks, lol.
 Elle put all of the painted clips in the box to dry.
We will assemble them all at the end of this upcoming week!
Some of our friends from church gave us this huge zucchini!! You know we LOVE zucchini (I guess word gets around, lol:). The girls had fun estimating how big it was and then measuring it with a ruler.

Of course, we made some whole wheat zucchini muffins!! This time, I substituted half of the oil in the recipe for applesauce and they were so, so good!!

The girls ate them up! We made another batch for my husband to take to work and also passed out some loaves of zucchini bread to our neighbors!

The girls also had a fun family outing! We went with Grandma, and 2 of our cousins to get frozen yogurt! So good and so fun!
The big girls are just growing up so fast...

We sincerely hope you are enjoying your summer and having an awesome weekend!

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