
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Messy Monday Fun Day!! Part 6

Wow----this summer is just FLYING by!! I feel like it has been going by so fast, but then at other times, I long for the cool nights and sunny days that fall brings. I am really not one to "love" the heat, especially when I cannot just enjoy being in water (the ocean or a pool), so I prefer fall. That being said, we have been doing our messy crafts early in the morning, trying to be the heat, but it still gets pretty hot and humid by 10am, and the girls are ready to get into the air conditioning---just like their mommy!! Ha, ha!

Here are the pics from our latest Messy Monday Fun Day! ~~Enjoy~~

Elle helped me prepare the paints in the muffin tins.
 This week, we decided to do some outside painting on the huge white butcher paper we have.

 The girls LOVED it and had a really great time being creative! *though, they still tend to not get very messy in the process--oh, well;0
 Then, because it is so stinking HOT, the girls got all changed and wanted to spend some time cooling off in the pool!

Ce Ce just loves playing in the water!!
She also loves trying to drink the water-yikes!
I just LOVE seeing how affectionate the girls are with each other. It really warms my heart!! 
Em was the same way as a baby, and still loves to give kisses! Yay! I hope the day never comes when they are too embarrassed to kiss us!
 Ce Ce is ALWAYS looking for a kiss, LOL;-) I love her fish-face look!

Hope you are having fun staying cool this summer!!

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