
Saturday, June 11, 2011

What are You Eating this Summer?

People always ask me for menu ideas and food suggestions. I am always reluctant happy to share recipes with my friends:) Here are some of the foods we have been enjoying this spring/summer.

 Our girls LOVE when we have "Brinner". It is breakfast foods for dinner. This time, I made some animal-shaped pancakes with fresh strawberry sauce (the girls don't use syrup) and turkey sausage.

 We try to eat a ton of veggies. This is the base for some cabbage I made. It was fantastic!
 Zucchini, bell peppers, red onions, turkey bacon and cabbage-sauteed in a tiny bit of coconut oil.
 I didn't take good pics, but I attempted to make corn tortillas. The girls prefer the taste of flour tortillas, so I probably wouldn't make them again. It was fun to try, though.
 Love my crockpot. I just tossed in some boneless, skinless chicken breasts, red onions, fat-free chicken broth and fresh cilantro with taco seasoning for shredded chicken for tacos.
 Oh, the family LOVED this!!!!!
 Our girls really loved the breakfast kebabs! French toast cubes with fresh fruit.
 Elle enjoying her yogurt parfait with granola. Our girls eat these a lot!!
 One of my meals (I usually share with Ce Ce). Cabbage and grilled Tilapia. Yummy!!
 Super-easy breakfast. We call them baked eggs or quiche, just depends on we put in them.
 Simply scramble eggs (we use egg substitute, too) and put in some spinach and bake in the oven. Then, sprinkle some shredded cheese on top the last few minutes.
 Making chimichurri sauce. My first time.

 It turned out great--used it to marinade some steaks for me and my hubby:) We will put the girls to bed and have "at-home date nights". Sorry, no pic of the finished product:)
Here, we are making ice cream. We used Organic Rice Milk and it turned out GREAT! I was worried it would be really runny or not creamy, but it is wonderful and GONE! Ha, ha.

 Tossed some fresh strawberries on top. It was perfect! The girls really loved it!

 Some of my homemade turkey meatballs and sauce.
 Making zucchini muffins. They are so moist and delicious!!

 Making this awesome shrimp dip I discovered when we were studying Australia in homeschool. It is a cold dip that we serve with Pita Chips. Delish!!

 My homemade salsa-divine!
 Making corn salsa. It is so, so good!

 My famous fruit salad. I make one of these every week!
 Delicious turkey burgers!!
 My wonderful hubby working that grill:)
 Cedar-plank grilled salmon. Oh, my---this was so good! I used it to make salads for lunch.

 Sauteed zucchini. Our girls LOVE it. They really do!
 Roasted corn.
And, every so often, I allow our kids to splurge and have something that is unhealthy! LOL. BUT, I make sure the portions are small. I used mini-cupcake pans to make some brownies--had to add chopped walnuts on top. We usually eat a few and then give the rest away!

What's going on in your kitchen lately??? 


  1. As always, your food look delicious and your gals are way too adorable! Good job with all that nutritious and healthy food!


  2. It all looks so delicious and fresh. I love the idea for the breakfast kebabs.


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