
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our Cooking Lessons {Weekly Wrap-Up}

This week in homeschool, we focused on studying cooking in the kitchen. We started with a trip to Trader Joe's, our favorite grocery store.  The girls LOVE having their very own shopping carts:-)

We discussed pricing, weighing fresh food items, couponing, paying for the food, analyzing receipts, and where food comes from. Tons of lessons in this one trip alone:-) The girls love to help me prepare meals (I cook 95% of our meals), but this week, they were 
 able to plan the menu!

 Our Bible Memory Verse for the week! 

This is a really good one! We discussed how God wants us to honor Him with our bodies and that we should take good care of ourselves. We should always glorify God no matter what we are doing. We should eat healthy foods, stay active and maintain healthy weight levels. We also talked about why it is important not to drink alcohol or anything else that can be misconstrued as ungodly. 
We really had a great and FUN week!
    This week's lapbook contains the menu, kitchen rules, measuring activities, fractions work, place setting, kitchen utensils, recipe cards, grocery lists, receipts, coupons, and what to eat vs. what not to eat paper.

    Learning more about coupons! Gotta teach them about saving money from a young age:-)
    Em LOVES to eat:) She had fun sorting out the felt foods. We categorized them. Talked about their properties and whether they are good for us or not. Em and Elle picked out their favorites and tried to find them in the grocery store!
    Elle writing out the menu for the week. Her handwriting is really improving and she is really good at trying to spell on her own!
    Em is loving the stacking cups.
    Elle loves working with the measuring spoons and cups!
    Elle's book of Kitchen Rules.
    The girls used the book of Kitchen Science ideas to pick out some experiments to work on this week. It is a great resource!! Found it in the library!
    The love doing this! The old milk, food coloring and dish soap experiment.
    Look at that great "look of discovery and awe" Em has!! I LOVE this!!! I am so glad I get to witness her love of learning firsthand!
    Our silly girls making salt dough.

    Elle was really being creative this time. She put two plates together and made a pot pie. It looks just like the ones I make for real!
    Em enjoyed making shapes from the dough.
    Here are our cooking books for the week.
    The girls LOVED picking out recipes!! We actually tried a lot of new ideas and even some foods we have never paired together before!

    I baked their salt dough shapes in the oven and the girls painted them.

    The girls had so much fun playing this game! My little sister bought it for them and it is perfect for this unit! It is a match game where you turn over the cards with a spatula and try to match the picture of a food to the beginning letter of the word. Both girls did an amazing job with this! I am always so impressed with how well Em(33 mos) knows her letter sounds and what words they make!

    The girls made tuna melts for the first time!

    Waiting for the yeast to bubble for the bread bears.

    Em picked out these, of course:) She is certainly our animal lover!
    The girls had so much fun playing with the dough and making their bear shapes. Next time, we will try to make them a bit smaller, lol. Oh, and they forgot to put ears on them, ha, ha!

    Didn't they turn out cute!?

    Princess Em playing in her kitchen.
     I put these printables in a plastic sleeve to protect them and let Em use her Mickey Mouse as the "marker." It really worked out GREAT! She loves counting and she loves her animals, so it was the perfect combo for a math lesson:)

     Elle trying to teach Em how to read, lol. Using some animal flash cards we just recently picked up at the thrift store.
     Elle working on her geometric shapes.
    We LOVE making fruit smoothies!!!

    Zucchini muffins---so, so good:) We took some to the beauty shop with us to share and they were GONE in no time! Everyone said, "we don't even like zucchini" but they were eating them like they were cupcakes or something! Shhh, don't tell them I made them with whole wheat flour and organic rice milk;-)
    Our girls loving their zucchini muffins!

    We found some all-natural crescent rolls and hot dogs at Trader Joe's and decided to make some "Dogs in a Blanket".
    They were a huge hit!

    Elle doing some language arts work.
    This is the perfect workbook for Em since it has animals:)
    We hope you enjoyed our cooking lessons! We sure did! Oh, and this week, we also signed the girls up for "real" cooking classes at a local Kid's Culinary Academy. The girls are looking forward to going later this summer!



    1. Ok, so now that I have read this and looked at all the photos of what you and the girls are doing, I need a NAP! Looks like a fun week!

    2. Loads of great ideas! You really covered a range of topics with this theme.


    We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!