
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Little Miss Manners! {Weekly Wrap-Up}

We have been having a very busy time with homeschooling and also enjoying the summer-like weather we have had lately. My laptop completely died on me, so I have not had access to post blogs lately. I am excited to get updated here!

Our lessons for the week centered around manners and also how we can treat others as God commands us in the Bible. We really are working on how the girls talk to each other. Mainly the biggest sister talking to the middle sister, honestly. It is a fine line between her being what she perceives as "helpful" and what we perceive as "bossy." We are praying that we all can agree on what is acceptable consistently! 

Once of the things I LOVE about homeschooling is the relationship our girls have developed. Their bonds are so tight. I love witnessing it! I know, beyond a doubt, that they have each others' backs! I have seen them stick up for each other and encourage each other on many occasions.It is something we are very proud of. The bossing though....oooh, wee, lol.

 Our Bible Memory Verse Luke 6:31
 Tons of resources for our Manners Lessons. So much fun!

 The girls had a LOT of fun using this fun printable to practice proper table setting!
 Elle put together a really nice lapbook on Manners!

 We are also focusing on the Bible Verse "A soft answer turns away wrath." This has become a great verse to reference as we work on how God wants us to treat others.

 This is a fun game with words that Elle and Em worked to decide whether the actions were nice/loving or not. We always want to encourage our girls to "self-regulate" using their hearts and the Holy Spirit as guides.
 Since Jesus was the epitome of exemplary behavior and utmost mannerly reactions in the face of great adversity, we did a project on the life of Christ. He is our example for living.
 The Lord blessed us with a gorgeous rainbow!!! Right outside our front door:)

 Elle working on her lapbook. This was a bigger one and took her quite a long time to complete. She is so proud of her work!
Of course, how better to practice our table manners than at "Ladies' Lunch!" The girls are always excited to go to our favorite Organic Restaurant. We all got dressed up in skirts/dresses and really enjoyed ourselves! It was the first time Ce Ce ate in a high chair! She is growing up so fast..

 We even sat in the sunshine and enjoyed some locally-made,  all-natural ice cream!

 At Elle's Homeschool Gym class, she is also learning about taking turns and waiting patiently.

 Lots of chances to learn sharing, taking turns and using "please" and "thank you" while playing outside with our neighbors! "Mother May I" and "Red Light/Green Light" are some of our favorite games to play!!

And, nothing says "summer fun" like hopscotch!!

Hope you enjoyed our week on Manners-----nice to be back!

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