
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Down on the Farm {Weekly Wrap-Up}

About half and hour from us, there is an 1800's Living Historical Farm. It is so cool! All of the workers dress in period clothing. There is no electricity or running water.They do everything the "old fashioned" way. LOL.

We take the girls every year (usually several times per year) and we always have a great time. My laptop recently died and I lost a lot of photos from our homeschool lessons, but still wanted to post the pics of the farm for everyone to enjoy!

 Em, working on farm animal artwork.

 Elle, working on farm animal art work.
 Em still LOVES exploring our Alphabet Letter Box. It is so much fun! She has gotten really good at naming all of the items and what letter they start with!

We actually got to go the "Kids' Work Day" on the farm. The children all had to complete 6 different farm chores and collect a token from each station and they received certificates and other goodies at the completion. It was so neat!!!

 Girls sorting beans.

 Separating corn kernels by size.
 Checking out the horses.

 Em worked her little heart out:)
 Talking turkey:)
 The stinky pig sty.
 The girls getting their farm helper certificates!
 Elle and a little farm girl at the water pump.
 Petting a baby chick.

 We enjoyed a nice picnic outside.

 And, some fun at a nearby park!
It was amazing-the weather was perfect and our family LOVES doing these fun learning activities!!!

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