
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent {the powder kind}

We have been making our own laundry detergent for years, now! It has really, really saved us a lot of money. It is really easy to do and the girls enjoy helping me make it. We usually make the liquid kind, but I have been wanting to try to the powder kind and found a really nice recipe for it!

It is super easy!


Each batch yields approximately 32 ounces (between 32-64 loads based on how many Tbsp used per load).
**I personally prefer to use the Fels-Naptha bar soap**

 Simply grate the bar of soap and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir really well for 5 minutes or so. That's it:) I promised you it was simple.

Just pour in 1 Tablespoon per load and you are set to go! I have tried it and it works really, really well!

Here is a link to the liquid version recipe as well as some money-saving info from a Yahoo personal finance article. We typically add lavender essential oil to our liquid mix to make our clothes smell really good!

I have also heard you can make your own detergent for the dishwasher but haven't tried it since we hand-wash our dishes.I know, we are weird, lol.

Have you tried it? Please let me know!!

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