
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up {Letter L is for...}

If you are new to 3G, THANK YOU so much for stopping by to see what we are doing!
We are so glad that you are here---please, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and join us as we share a bit of our journey with you! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know you were here. We pray you will be blessed and inspired by our blog!!

We had a very good week in homeschool this week! Our routine seems to really be working well and we are thoroughly enjoying our learning times together.

This week, our Letter is L, number 9, color brown and our bible verse is below. Our godly character trait was "helpful." The girls had a lot of fun showing off how helpful they can be! Our sweet 4 year old, Elle was truly blessed with an extra dose of "helpfulness" when God made her. We tell her this all of the time and bless her with this daily. {though she sometimes confuses "bossing"with helping, LOL}.

We truly believe in getting our girls involved in everything they can do! So, our chart is not "perfect" by the world's standards, but our girls always put it together and it really helps them to remember our lesson points for the week--so, it is just perfect for us:)

Our animal of the week was Lion. The girls had so much fun reading these books!
 Of course, we just had to make lion pancakes:)

Elle and Em working with the Letter L items from our Alphabet Box.
(Ladybugs, lizards, leopard, locks, leaves, lotion, lip balm etc).
 Our lion crafts from tp rolls.
Em(29 mos) happily working on a shape worksheet.

 Our {Science Spotlight} for this week is "L is for Lens." We were able to construct 
our own magnifying lens---a really fun and informative science project this week!

 The girls absolutely LOVED making their very own custom lip balms and lotions!

They even came up with their own designer names for them, lol:)

 Em (29 mos) matching her lower case to upper case alphabet letters. She completed the whole task alone and did a great job!

 L is for "listening." We made several vases of different levels of tinted water and "played" them with a small mallet. So fun to hear the different sounds each one made!!!

 L is for "level." The girls had a blast looking for items to check to see if they were level or not.
 Elle also had fun seeing how "long" things were by measuring them.

 The girls also used register tape and a tape measure to see how long they are!

 One of my favorite random moments---Em was completing her letter work and Elle just walked over to her to say "great job, sister!" and give her a hug!! Aww, how sweet is that?
Praise the Lord for their ever-deepening bond!

L is for Latches!

 L is for laughter! 
We spent the morning serving the doggies breakfast, lol:)
It looks like Ce Ce will also be an animal-lover.
 Another one of my FAVORITE pics from this week! 
All 3 of our girls with their noses in a book! What a sight to behold!  No wonder there is not time for tv in our house--we'd rather read books anyway:)

 Elle working on her letters.
 Elle (4.75 yrs old) working on language and spelling skills.

 L is for lacing. Cute lion printable, I cannot remember where I found it.

Em working on her lacing animal cards.
 Getting some exercise!
 I printed off these fun alphabet exercise cards ages ago and finally laminated them and cut them for the girls to use!
 Each card has a different exercise on it.

 Lion stamps on our L page with our bible memory verse.
 L is for leopard.
Number 9 coloring page.
 The little ladies having some laptop time.
 Em squeezing a lime while making a pineapple and cucumber salad. It was YUMMY!
 Elle LOVES doing math! This was subtraction here.
 Em sorting colors.

 I found this awesome color shape sort match game on Pocketful of Posies. Em matched them all up on her own!  She was so proud of herself!

 You cannot study lions without talking about the Bible story of Daniel in the Lion's Den!

 Em showing us her letters and the sign language signs for each.
 Em writing letters on the brand new Aquadoodle Pad I found at a local thrift store for only 90 CENTS!!! Yay me:) Check out her L's--they look great!

 Putting the butterfly numbers in order.
 I believe I got this from Confessions of a Homeschooler (I have a hard time remembering b/c I tend to print things off in the middle of the night while our girls sleep and then use them months later:)
 The numbers range from 2-12 on the cards. The girls roll the jumbo dice, Elle adds the dice together and places them on the correct corresponding card--so much fun!

 Elle working on matching clothing items cards to each appropriate season. I believe these came from Montessori Print Blog or Montessori for Everyone.
 In celebration of "Australia Day," the girls had a lot of fun learning about geography and the continent of Australia (also called Australasia in this Usborne book I found for only 90 cents)!
Em sorting kangaroos from Pocketful of Posies.
Tomorrow, we will continue to celebrate Australia Day with some traditional Australian foods.
Prawn, Coriander and Chili Dip
Prawn Dip recipe

 I wish I could've taken a better picture, but as you can see some very hungry little (and big:) hands very quickly got into the dip before I got a chance to even properly put it in a serving bowl:) It was amazing and easy to make!!!!!!

 The girls had a fun time making traditional "Fairy Bread."

Here are short videos of the girls singing the "7 continents." Enjoy!

We hope you had a fabulous week as well:)


  1. Great week as always! Love the picture of the girls having a "moment" together! So sweet! Kerri

  2. I Love Looking at your week!! (get that letter L??) Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm glad you liked the recipe. I think it's a keeper, too!


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