
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up {Letter D is for...}

We had a great and blessed week of homeschool this week!
My husband celebrated his birthday and had the day off from work in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so it worked out as a double-blessing for us!

D is for Daddy!!!

Happy birthday to the most self-less, loving and generous man of God, husband, father and friend on the planet!!! We are so blessed to have you:)

This week, our learning chart included the letter D, color yellow and animal ducks.

Our bible memory verse(above).  Our character trait was "orderly." When introducing our bible verse and character trait, we always memorize our bible verse at the beginning of the week and continue to rehearse it throughout the week. We have a sticker reward system for the character trait. When we talk about the trait, what God's word says about it, how to apply it to our lives etc, we then observe the girls demonstrating the character trait and reward them with a star sticker! It is a nice way to introduce some positive character traits we are hoping to instill over the years.

For Daddy's birthday, the girls had a ball making this very special yarn bowl.

 As you can see, Em is our playful girl--she keeps us laughing:)

 It was a bit messy, but very fun! All we had to do was make a glue and water solution, dip the yarn and wrap lay it over an inverted bowl covered in plastic wrap. It took a couple of days to dry, so we started it in plenty of time for Daddy's birthday!!

It turned out so great--it is so cheery and personal:)

 The girls had a lot of fun playing "Don't Break the Ice" with Daddy:)

In honor of Dr. King's holiday, we read and learned about him and did some fun crafts!

Our Dr. MLK Day materials--I ordered a FREE kit online this year for our class!

This week, our Science Spotlight was "D is for Drop." We learned about things that are waterproof through this fun and easy experiment.

 Here are our Letter D items from our Alphabet Box.
 Dice, dinosaur, dog, ducks, doctor, dragon, dragonfly, etc.

 Em enjoyed making her D is for Doctor Doggy craft from DLTK.

Em also stamped some dogs onto her D page.

 D is for Dinosaur.
 Em helped put together the dinosaur nest with little dinosaur eggs we found at a local thrift store. She loves anything animal related!

 Elle updating our class room calendar.

 Circle time song "5 Little Ducks."

 Yellow Sensory Tub.

 Elle had a fabulous time working on her Domino Math! 
She is doing addition and subtraction at a first grade level at just 4 yrs old.

 D is for doggies---here are 2 of our 3 dogs with Elle.

 Em shaking her discovery bottle. This one simulates ocean waves.

Em (29 mos) putting her numbers in order.

Working with flashcards.
 Em sorting out all of the yellow bears.

Em loves working in this workbook! She goes and gets it out and does it all by herself now:)
 D is for duck.
 Elle working some more math problems. The girl LOVES math!

 Elle and Ce Ce designing with the wedgits. 

 Elle working on her handwriting and spelling skills.

More spelling.

The girls always pull out the scale and love to guess which items will weigh 
more or less. Too cute!

 The girls LOVE being little fashion designers with their wooden dolls.

 Working on beginning letter sounds for the animals on our A-Z folder game we made.

 Just a little bit of screen time this week. I wanted to try out an educational website that has a monthly membership fee. The girls were not super-impressed, lol.
 Play Dough fun!
Library Story Time!!
 D is for DANCE!! Our girls have always loved to dance!
They especially love "Whip your Hair" by little Willow Smith lately:)

She is the very talented 10 year old daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Well, that has been our week!
As always, we are glad that you are here. Will you please take a moment and leave a comment so I know you were here? Is there anything you have read that has inspired you?
Please let us know!

Linking this up to No Time for Flashcards and

abc button


  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby. I love the wooden dinosaurs, my kids would love those.

  2. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

    What a great week as always!

    Your yarn bowl took me back to childhood. We made one with my Mom. I love how yours turned out and that you used yellow. We could use a little yellow during this time of year:-)



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