
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Pinecone Reindeer! {Winter Crafts}

I came across this craft idea for Reindeer made out of pinecones and since we had a 
few nice pinecones laying around, 
we decided to make them this week during our holiday "break."

They were really fun and easy to make!!

Of course, our animal lover Em just HAD to hug, hold, kiss, 
talk to, play with and feed "him." 
 We will not be surprised at all if she one day becomes a Vet!

If you have any pinecones and a few minutes to spare, I 
highly recommend this cute craft!

 We also made some easy and quick coffee filter snowflakes.

 Elle (4 yrs old) has really improved in her cutting skills. I am still too chicken to let Em 
have a pair of scissors without being very, very closely supervised!

What other fun winter crafts are you all doing??

We are really enjoying being on holiday break and spending lots of 
time just allowing the girls to be creative and 
have some extra free-play time!!

I thought this was hilarious when I captured Em (28 mos)
playing "homeschool" with our new {to us} dollhouse. I cannot tell you
how excited I got to find the two-sided chalk board and little globe for under $1!!!
I am so glad to see the girls enjoy playing with them;-)

Well, I guess my hair is messy at times, but I sure
hope Em doesn't think that's how I really look:)

And, just because I feel like you may all be wondering "where is Ce Ce?", well,
here she is. Where she spends about 80% of her waking hours:)
Riding right there on my chest---that is why she is never in any of the pictures on our blog.
She is always involved though!

As always, we LOVE hearing from you!!
Please take a moment to leave a quick comment below.

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